
Please Enable Javascript!!

Without scripting you will get a significantly reduced experience. This is due to the lack of server-side scripting, so everything has to be done on your computer (client-side) in javascript!

Welcome to the Evaluation of the

Electronic Engineering Virtual Interactive Lab     --

EE2 Group Project Website

This Website aims to set out our group's findings in an convieniant and interactive way for online use. If you would like a print-friendly version of the report for use with more conventional media then a pdf of the full report can be downloaded here, or at any point in this site via the main menu (Project > Full Report). But please consider the environment before printing.

The whole of the site can be accessed through the main menu, found at the top of the page. This is sorted by section, so for example all administration, e.g. references and management, are in the 'Project' even though they are found at the end of the paper report. Or continuous navigation can be achieved using the Next/Previous ( <   > ) links on the right. While internal page navigation is achieved using any links found underneath these, coupled with the central 'top' link ( ^ ) found above them to navigate back to the begining of the page.

I've designed this site from scratch, with all the flashy animations thanks to the fantastic javascript library jQuery; with plugins from Ariel Flescher for the internal scroll effects. Feel free to sample any of the code for your own use, though no promises about the quality.

Many thanks to everyone who's given input and advice on the site - you know who you are - without whom this first attempt would be no-where-near as polished as it is now, in such a short space of time.

T jl Hope

Tom Hope