Faculty of Engineering: Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Research: Control and Power
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Control and Power Portfolio Partnership

Control and Stability Analysis of Two-Wheeled Road Vehicles


Animation of the "SL2001" motorcycle model

The task of an animator is to generate a visual representation of the dynamic operation of complex multi-body systems such as road vehicles. This is done by generating a wire-frame image of the constituent parts of the mechanism and then "driving" it with the output of a simulation programme. The Autosim animator can be downloaded from our website and is the one we will make use of in this report. The animator must be supplied with two files. The first is a parsfile (PAR) that contains keyword-based text data that defines all the mechanism parts together with other information such as programme settings. The second file is an ERD file generated by an Autosim simulation programme. It contains time history data associated with each of the vehicle bodies. The time histories comprise six degrees-of-freedom data associated with each body in global co-ordinates. The time histories in the ERD file are used to drive the various parts of the motorcycle. The aim of this report is to supplement, in a motorcycle specific context, the animator description that can be found in Chapter 6 of the CarsimEd manual. The manual can be downloaded from http://www.trucksim.com/download/carsimed/cseoverview.html. The vehicle used to demonstrate the animator is the "SL2001" motorcycle.

Download the report in PDF format.

Download the animator.

A few example ERD files:

  • Example 1 (1 2) : acceleration = 5 m/s2, reference roll angle = 0 rad, initial forward speed = 4 m/s.
  • Example 2 (1 2) : acceleration = 0 m/s2, reference roll angle = 0.4 rad, initial forward speed = 15 m/s.
  • Example 3 (1 2) : acceleration = 0 m/s2, reference roll angle = 0.4 rad, initial forward speed = 6 m/s (initial roll angle = 0).
  • Example 4 (1 2) : acceleration = -1.5m/s2, reference roll angle = 0.4 rad, initial forward speed = 30m/s.

Download both the .erd and .bin files.

Mode shapes in AVI format (using the latest 'surfanim'):
